Girls in Forestry

Girls in Forestry

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Girls in Forestry is an initiative developed in partnership with INGKA Investments to encourage middle and high school girls to continue their studies and plan for a future career in forestry.


The project includes activities with a general focus, developed to help students transitioning from one stage of education to another strengthen their positive attitude towards education and their future, as well as activities developed specifically to cultivate girls' interest in forestry and to encourage them to pursue careers generally accepted as preferred by boys.

In the 2023-2024 school year, the project is running in pilot format in the counties of Iasi, Neamt and Vrancea.


The project is developed according to the Inspire, Prepare, Succeed strategy and includes:

  • Classroom activities and training sessions for personal skills assessment and building a personal portfolio.
  • Interactions with INGKA Investments volunteers through which students develop a clearer picture of forestry specific jobs.
  • Job Shadow type interactions through which students spend a few hours in the "shadow" of an INGKA Investments professional.